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You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Deuteronomy 6:7

If you raise children to believe that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded.





Casa de los Sueños (House of Dreams) began in November of 2017 to serve young people who age out of Casa de Fe yet still need to finish school and prepare to live independently. Originally located in Baños, Ecuador in the home of Wes and Donna King, Casa de los Sueños is now in the city of Shell.  

We believe:

*That each child is God’s special creation to be loved, valued and nurtured.

*That God has a plan for each child and has given them gifts to discover, develop and share with   

         the world.        

*That God is ever present to hear our prayers and guide us.


The young people who age out of Casa de Fe not only have the opportunity to complete their basic education but also explore their interests by enrolling in further training classes. We are a family, led by parents Jeff and Rae Holte. This is a universally challenging age of questioning and testing. We strive, led by the Holy Spirit, to help these kids navigate their new liberties and develop maturity, responsibility and a vision for how to use their talents to serve God and their community. On this journey, we love them. It is our desire to impart on them the assurance that they are loved unconditionally and give them a sense of stability so they can live with courage and confidence.




Jeff and Rae Holte

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